Friday, March 2, 2012

TOS Crew: Reading Eggs

We were given the opportunity to try out an online reading program called Reading Eggs for the TOS Crew.  Reading Eggs was created by a team of educational teachers, writers and developers.  It is a phonetic based program, that also teaches sight words.  The lessons are taught through games, animation, song and golden eggs.

So far, Reading Eggs has about 100 Phonetic Lessons that are geared toward pre-readers aged 4-7.  Reading Eggs is also creating new lessons for their older users in the 6-8 year range, these lessons will include reading, writing, comprehension as well as spelling.

Reading Eggs is available online through subscription.  There are 3 Subscription Choices available:
Month to Month - $9.95
6 Month Subscription - $49.95
12 Months Subscription - $75.00

The subscription prices are per child.  If you purchase either the 6 or 12 month subscriptions your 2nd or 3rd child can get a 50% Family Discount. 

Ok, now you are probably wondering what we thought of Reading Eggs.  Well, to be honest, I really hoped that my boys (3 &5) would dig this program.  It is cute, it is colorful, it looked like oodles of fun AND on top of all of this it taught phonics.  What's not to love right?  For some reason my 5 year old kindergartner did not like this program and he normally loves computer games.  He currently plays another phonics game online like every day.  I just couldn't get him to really play Reading Eggs.  did have him give it another try today just to see if maybe something had changed.  I gave the game a break and them got him to try it again.  At first he was really into the game and then he seemed to get a little frustrated, the game had him repeat several things over and over.  These were not things that he previously answered wrong, I don't really know what had happened.

I feel like Reading Eggs is very repetitious, especially in the beginning, which I totally understand.  My son on the other hand, not so much.  I think that his first impression was that the game was a little boring.  In all fairness, I think he would have enjoyed it more if he would have stuck with it and got to another level.  He was so unhappy with it though that I didn't push it.

My 3 year old on the other hand loved it.  I sat with him a few times and we played.  He would probably sit and play Reading Eggs all day long if I let him.  He didn't mind the repetition one little bit.  He also loved the Ant character that taught the letters.

I did think that this was a cute program, and could be helpful as a supplemental thing.  I am not sure at this point that I would use it as my sole phonics curriculum, but it may be perfect for another family. 

If you would like to give Reading Eggs a try, they offer a trial version. 

We received a free trial of Reading Eggs for review purposes only.  The opinions expressed are my own.



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