Sunday, March 18, 2012

TOS Crew: Progeny Press

Being on the TOS Crew has been such a blessing for our family.  We have been blessed to review wonderful homeschool products, like the Literature Guides by Progeny Press
Progeny Press offers over 100 different Literature Guides for student ranging in grades K-12th.  These guides are written from a Christian perspective and focus on critical thinking skills, comprehension skills, literary analysis, and Christian application.  Sounds like an all in one package to me! 

I have peeked at Progeny Press before because My Father's World actually recommends them for 7th and 8th graders.  So, I knew that we would be using them for sure next year, but I was happy to give them a whirl this year too!  We were given The Bronze Bow Literature Guide to review.  The recommended grade level for this particular guide is 5th -8th grade.  Which was a perfect fit for my 6th grader. 
The Bronze Bow Study Guide starts off with introductory note to the instructor, synopsis of the Bronze Bow, a page of about Elizabeth George Speare (author of The Bronze Bow) and  a few Pre-Reading Activities.  Next the guide focuses on 2-3 chapters at a time focusing on vocabulary, characterization, setting, and comprehension questions.  I liked how the guide switched up the vocabulary part a bit by switching from crosswords puzzles, multiple choice and looking word meanings up in the dictionary.  I also liked the writing exercise at the end of the guide that has them write a brief epilogue. 

Overall, I liked Progeny Press and already have the Witch of Black Bird Pond and Johnny Tremain Study Guides for next year.  I think they ask great questions that really get the student (and the mom) thinking.  I feel that they are a worthy purchase and not just busywork.

Over a 100 different Study Guides are available to choose from.  Some of the available titles are:
  • Lower Elementary (K-3) - The Courage of Sarah Noble, Frog and Toad Together, Keep the Lights Burning Abbie, The Minstrel in the Tower and Miss Rumphius
  • Upper Elementary (3-5) - Charlotte's Web, The Door in the Wall, Little House on the Prairie, Mr. Popper's Penguins, and Sarah, Plain and Tall.
  • Middle School (5-8) - Across Five Aprils, Amos Fortune Free Man, The Hiding Place, The Golden Goblet, Number the Stars and The Sign of the Beaver.
  • High School (9-12) - The Day No Pigs Would Die, Pride and Prejudice, A Tale of Two Cities, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Red Badge of Courage 
The Study Guides are available in three different ways:
  1. As a printed and bound booklet - $11.99
  2. On a CD in .pdf format - $10.99
  3. A pdf file as an e-mail attachment - $10.99
As you can see the Progeny Press Literary Guides are very affordable.  To make life easier for the homeschool mama they also sell the accompanying books at very reasonable prices.  You can purchase the Progeny Press Study Guides directly through their online store
You can see what other TOS Crew Members are saying about Progeny Press here.
We received a free Literature Study Guide from Progeny Press for review purposes only.  We were not paid in anyway and the opinions expressed here are mine. 



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