Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Have You Ever Met The Little Man in the Map?

We just finished reading The Little Man in the Map, and one thing I can tell you for sure is that I really wish we had it when we were studying US History.  I know that there are songs, games and little rhythms to help remember the states but I have never seen anything like this book.  Did you know that there are 5 states on the map that really look like a little man with a hat and boots?!  MIM (The Little Man in the Map) as he is called, actually gives you clues, to help you not only remember the names of the all 50 states but their shape and location too!  The author, E. Andrew Martonyi, really had his creative juices flowing when he penned this book.

All the kids really enjoyed it, but the Lil' Chef (9yo) was glued to it.  She wanted to help me read so we ended up taking turns reading.  We read and giggled and read and giggled some more.  The clues for each state are really cute!  I think our favorite one shows one state honking MIM's nose! 

The Little Man in the Map is an excellent new way for kids (and adults) to learn US Geography.  Yes, I also learned a thing or two.  I was amazed how much the kids had remembered in just a short time.  This is a book that we will definitely keep going back to, it really makes learning fun!

Please check out the video and see how The Little Man in the Map makes the states come alive!

The Little Man in the Map can be purchased from Schoolside Press for $19.95, the author will even autograph it for you.


Holly said...

That is so neat...we are doing US History next year...I will have to check this out! When I was a kid...I did learn about MIM in school...only we called him MIMAL (including all the states down to his feet)...but that was all we learned...I am excited to learn the pictures and helpful hints for the other states. Thanks for posting about this!


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