Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Paperless Organization from Simplified Pantry

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Once upon a time, in the land of make believe, there was a fair homeschool mama.  She had four lovely children, a well organized house and life.  She never missed an appointment or a birthday, and had it all together.

Ha! Ha! Well, at least the lovely children part is right! {smile} For some reason, I used to think that I was organized, not sure sure what gave me that idea, but I have hit reality.  As my children have multiplied and gotten older, it seems that for me, organization is more like a dream than a reality.  Until now.

Recently, I was given a much needed eBook called Paperless Organization, to review for the Molly Crew.  It was written by Mystie Winckler from Simplified Pantry, a homeschool mom of 5.

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Paperless Organization, just as the name implies, has the goal to helping us harried homeschool mama's (well anyone really) to get organized. Minus stacks, piles and binders.

Right off the bat I felt like this was a product written for my stage of life.  Busy. Homeschooling. Busy. Somewhat disorganized.  Oh, and busy.  Mystie is herself in the trenches of raising kids, homeschooling and running a household.  She is a great source of organizational wisdom, especially since she is there herself. 

Ok, enough rambling.  Here's the nitty gritty of what Paperless Organization teaches you.  First, Mystie explains all of the wonderful benefits of having a homemaking binder.  To be honest, this was not really new information to me. I have liked the idea of a homemaking binder ever since I had heard of it.  I have actually tried to make them before, but I think I got buried in the whole idea of a binder for this and a binder for that.  But Mystie's idea of paperless binders sounded a like a dream come true.  Ahhh, organization at last!

Mystie gives detailed instructions on making a paperless home binder.  Her plan utilizes 3 online programs/ apps that are F-R-E-E!  You can get organized on your computer, pad, pod or phone.

One of the apps she uses is Evernote.  I frequently use Evernote, but I didn't realize what all I could be doing with it until reading Paperless Organization.  Basically, she shows you step by step how to turn Evernote into  personal home binder files.  This is the spot where you dump everything from your brain into - to do lists, curriculum plans, shopping lists, recipes, menu plans, clothing sizes, ideas to try, and chore charts, it all goes in Evernote.  She also suggests having a blogging binder for those that blog.

Mystie also shares how to set up Remember the Milk, a task management app, and Google Calendar and Mail.

Getting organized is not an over night thing, at least not for me, but I am on my way.  Thanks to this little eBook, I am in the process of transferring everything over from paper files to paperless files.  I really love all of her ideas with Evernote and Remember the Milk.  I have been the queen of spiral notebooks, but I am moving on to being paperless.  It just makes sense for many reasons.  Here's lookin forward to never losing a list again!
Right now, Mystie is currently offering 30% off of any of her e-books!  To take advantage of this offer use the code TOS2013 when you checkout.

Mystie has also written two other eBooks that are worth checking out, Simplified Dinners and Simplified Dinners Gluten Free/Dairy Free.

The Molly Crew has reviewed all three of these books, you can read the reviews by clicking here

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