Sunday, August 19, 2012

Vocabulary Spelling City {TOS Crew}

My kids seem to enjoy the challenge of getting new spelling and vocabulary words every week or so, but workbooks and flashcards can definitely be boorrinngg.  So, we were very thankful to get to review Vocabulary Spelling City for a second time. 

We reviewed it for the TOS Crew last year, which you can read about here

Even after our review period was over, from the first review, my kids still enjoyed playing learning their spelling words with Vocabulary Spelling City.  To me, that says a lot!  While they did enjoy it, with out the premium membership I had to enter their spelling list every time they wanted to play.  Since it was pretty time consuming, we didn't play much. 

You can get a free membership with Vocabulary Spelling City, which is a great way to try before you buy, but it surely does not come with all the great perks of a premium membership, like:

Individual Student Logins - this saves the student's assignments as well as the spelling lists (one of my favorite features).  Having these assignments saved is great for end of the year reviews. 

Premium Learning Games and Features - With the free membership you do get several cool features but with the Premium Membership you get more games and features like....

As you can see, there are lots of extra goodies with the Premium Membership, which is available for $29.99 for up to 5 children.  The Premium Membership is good for 12 months. 

My kids really do love the interactive games on Vocabulary Spelling City.  I think their favorite so far is Hang Mouse, which is a twist on the old favorite Hang Man.   I am pretty sure that Vocabulary Spelling City will be something that we continue to use for years to come. 




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