Thursday, April 26, 2012

Special Day for the Kids

Somewhere in my inbox a week or two ago I read a post about giving kids a special day each week.  Once I read this I knew I had to incorporate it into our world. 

This past week, I did just that.  On Monday morning I explained to the kids that they would each be getting a "Special Day," each week.  I then explained that they would have special privileges on that day.  Now brace yourselves for some of these privileges, I am warning you up front some of them are pretty lame.  They are however things that are important to my kids. : )

Here's the low down on their special privileges:
  • Help Mom with dinner
  • Sit next to Dad during dinner
  • Be 1st - in the car, to get dessert, to whatever.  I told them they could also be 1st to go to sleep but they weren't real thrilled about that one.
  • To go with Mom or Dad.  If one of us runs out somewhere and we decide to take a child with us then the child who's "Special Day" it is can come and can also choose one sibling to come along if they wish.
  • I am debating on adding in that they can stay up from an extra 20-30 minutes to spend one on one time with Mom or Dad.  My thought is to play a quick game of Chutes & Ladders, Uno or just chat.
I imagine that we will add a few more things to this as we go along if this "Special Day" thing sticks.  We aren't the only family that try stuff for a week or two and then it's out the window, are we??

My desire is that two wonderful things will come out of the "Special Day."  First, I am hoping to add in some extra one on one time with Mom/Dad and the kids.  The other thought is that having a "Special Day" will alleviate the kids fussing over who gets to what e.v.e.r.y. s.i.n.g.l.e. d.a.y!!  Yes, I admit it, my kids fuss.

So far so good, each of our little people got their "Special Day" this week.  The kids really enjoyed being first, helping with dinner or making dinner and sitting next to their Daddy-o during dinner.  The only problem that I really had was explain to Little Bits that his "Special Day" did NOT last all week long. 

Do you do anything special like this with your kids?  I would love to hear your ideas!


Misty said...

About twice per year, we do a "yes day" for each child, where I try to say yes to everything they ask for. There are guidelines like a budget, limits, etc. But they have a lot of fun planning out how they want to spend the day.

Brandi said...

WOW, that is an awesome idea! Sounds like fun!


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