Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So far so good...

We had been schooling for several weeks and finally started to get into a good routine when everything got all mixed up.  All of the out of the home things that we were going to be doing started last week.  I have to admit I was a little stressed as to how it would go, but it went surprisingly well. 

You see there are several things that I wanted to incorporate into our schedule this year, Beginning Public Speaking or BPS (for the girls), an instrument (for the girls), choir (all kids) and Bible Study (for me).   I also had soccer on the to do list : ) The Lord had closed the door with soccer, I had missed the sign up date, which was fine.

You know all these things that I wanted us to do really sounded like a lot and I knew that we couldn't do everything.  I really prayed about everything and just really asked the Lord to give me wisdom in this area.  I didn't want to be so overwhelmed that we dropped the ball with our schooling or our home. 

Then it happened.  The Lord gave me a great peace about it all and changed my perspective on everything.  He showed me that all the things on the list are things that has us working toward the goals that I had for my children. 

My hope that BPS will give me children confidence to speak to others, especially in giving the gospel.  Ultimately, this has to come from God but I still think this is a wonderful tool to have.  One of my children is very shy when it comes to standing up and talking in front of people and I really want her to grow in this area, BPS will definitely help here. So far the girls really like it and have their first poems picked out to memorize.

An instrument is something I want my kids to have, especially my girls.  I feel like it is something they can us later in life if they pursue it.  Now I know that God's plans may not line up with my plans but I am hopeful that my kids will go on to homeschool their children.  Wouldn't it be nice for them to know how to play and teach an instrument to my grand kids one day : ) or to teach lessons for extra income.  Maybe even to play in church or for weddings or something.  I had been praying for a piano teacher.  I prayed that if He wanted them to play the piano He would have to provide a teacher because I didn't think it was in the budget right now.  Like a week or two later a friend of mine, out of the blue, said Hey, I would love to give your girls flute lessons and you don't have to pay me.  I, of course, looked up and said Thank you Lord!  I still can't get over that blessing!!

I know that I am having them do instruments and choir, at the same time.  Someone said to me that we were heavy on music this year.  That may be so BUT you don't know the choir teacher at our church.  Choir is much more than choir.  The Lord has greatly blessed our church with an AMAZING choir teacher.  Well, two of them actually.  But more specifically, the junior choir members learn the gospel.  I have sat in on choir rehearsals and have been amazed at how the teacher in constantly bringing in the gospel.  She also created a 4 or 5 year cycle for the kids that focus on different areas in music.  Last year it was rhythm and this year they are studying the Psalms.  So, even if we are heavy on music I am totally fine with it.

As for Bible study, my church offers a mid week Bible study for moms and provide child care.  I do read my Bible pretty much daily but I also wanted to do a study and if I am in a Bible study group I feel like I am more committed.  It is not as easy for me to not make it a priority.  While I am in my study the boys are in Busy Bee classes where they have like a little Sunday school lesson.  There weren't any classes for my girls so they are helpers - which they LOVE!!!  The Lil' Chef is helping with the toddlers and Computer Girl helps in the class where Alpha is at.  I love that they are getting a chance to serve others and just be helpful.  I was concerned about this taking away from school, so to be realistic I have designated Bible study days to be "core days."  A "core day" for us is Math, Grammar and Spelling.  They are quite fine to come home and do their work or make it up through the week.  For now we are still not really schooling on Fridays, but if they need to make up any of their core work it will be done on Friday so that we can stay on track.

So, like I said, so far so good.  I am hoping that we continue to fall in this schedule well and that the important things still get accomplished because the kids and I really want to continue all of the above. 


Danielle said...

I love when people randomly criticize decisions. Bleh on them. I love that your kids are learning an instrument and choir at the same time! Makes me wish we still lived down south - church grow bigger in the warmth I think? :)


It all sounds wonderful to me. :)

Oh...and we had to nix the soccer this year too. We didn't miss the date but suddenly all the games are on Sundays...it just wasn't going to work.


Brandi said...

Thanks Happy Mommy. The person wasn't being rude, I hope I didn't make them sound like they were. They were just commenting. : )
One thing I forgot to mention, my girls are walking with my 3 days/ week in the morning (PE). The boys run around so much that they really don't need PE, LOL!


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