Friday, June 7, 2013

Fun & Frugal Summer Activities for Kids # 5 - Popsicle Stick Puppets

Ok, this is the last popsicle stick craft, I promise!

I don't about your kids, but my kids love to put on shows of all sorts and kinds.  They love to act things out, as well as put on puppet shows. When I saw these little popsicle stick puppets I knew they would be something all of my kids would like!

There are lots of different popsicle stick puppets that you could make.  There are farm animals puppets like these....

Picture Source

or like these....


You could also make people stick puppets like these....

Picture Source
 If your child has a favorite cartoon you could even print out some characters from online and attach the popsicle sticks to the back, like these...

 You can make these simple or more involved, depending on the art supplies you have on hand.  You could even give the kids some small boxes to make props.
Have Fun!



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